Kenya Moore has a magazine and it’s been just revealed that the second issue is out. Check out her message here.
‘Ok!!! @thekenyamooremag second issue is out! I had so much fun with this! I can’t wait to do the next issue! If you have some ideas for the next issue please drop below👇🏽 And for the people featured… thank you for inspiring us!’ Kenya said.
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A post shared by Kenya Moore (@thekenyamoore)
Someone said: ‘You better be great!!! Congratulations Beautiful ❤️’ and a commenter posted this: ‘Oh my GOSH 😵🥺 It is such an honor to be featured in your magazine WOW – I have ALWAYS been team YOU, this made my entire year! Thank you KENYA 😢’
A follower said: ‘Kenya!!!!! I am shocked you didn’t tell me this was happening. I’m honored to be featured. Love you ❤️❤️’
One other commenter posted this: ‘This is great Kenya! I’d love to feature my workouts in your magazine💪🏾 Let’s keep our people fit & healthy all year long❤️’
Someone else wrote: ‘Not having seen the issue, this might be covered already but:
1 – monthly hair health tips, 2- find someone to do a hair growth journey and feature their progress in every issue (using your products of course) 3 – exercise tips, 4 – makeup and other beauty tips, 5 – how to read someone lol 6- feature a black owned business and their products every issue (no one from RHOA but regular folk). I have more, and would be happy to consult with you and your team.’
Kenya Moore impressed fans with a video from the Bahamas. Check out what has her followers excited on her social media account.
Stay tuned for more news about Kenya and her loved ones. She always makes sure to keep her fans and followers updated on her life via social media.